Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Romans 8:2. Understanding the Law of the Spirit

For the law of the life-giving Spirit[a] in Christ Jesus has set you[b] free from the law of sin and death.


Verse 1 assures us that the wrath of God has ended and we no longer face the ultimate condemnation and punishment.

Verse 2 gives the reason why there is no condemnation [vs. 1].  

Because the life-giving Spirit, in Christ Jesus, has set us free from the law of sin and death.

No more condemnation 

because the Spirit set us free 

from sin and death!


The law of the Spirit...

the law

... is like a fixed principle, as in gravity.   It never changes.  Therefore we never have to think about it with concern of failing.

 As long as we live on this earth, we will always experience the law of gravity.

...the law of the Spirit is at constant work within us, beginning with the law of justification, then operating the law of sanctification


The law of the Spirit has set us free!

At repentance and faith, we were released from the penalty of eternal wrath and damnation.  Pledging our faith to receive salvation, the Spirit of God delivered to us a signed contractual "release" to us guarantee us "JUSTIFIED FULLY BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST.  ETERNALLY FORGIVEN."  




That legal term justification means "declared forgiven, now acceptable, now a righteous soul" because God's Son paid the price of death and hell we deserved to pay.  Christ living in us is the righteousness God is pleased with.  If Christ did. not live in us, we'd have no righteousness at all.  

Some of you once lived this way. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Christ in us, through His Spirit, now sets in motion the law of the Spirit to enforce a new way to keep the laws of God.  It is now the activity of the Spirit to experientially address every sin and every bit of self contrary to the will of God in order to replace them with the righteousness of Christ.



The law of the Spirit  seeks to show us our sins and our selfish human ways.  

It is the Spirit who sets us free, not we ourselves.  Never, never, can we stop any sin.  Never can we change our behavior, nor act as we should. We cannot be anything but ourselves.  


But the Holy Spirit aims to correct that.  He will show us that apart from Him we can do nothing.  But with Him, all things are possible, to him who believes.   Learn that it is through the Holy Spirit that freedom is accomplished.  Then follow the Master's steps to learning how this process of sanctification works.

  1. “I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me—and I in him—bears much fruit, because apart from me you can accomplish nothing   
  1. First He justified [forgave and made us acceptable to God] us.   
  1. Second He sanctified [set us apart for a lifetime of cleaning us up and transforming us into the likeness of Jesus].



through whom we have also obtained access into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in the hope of God’s glory.

  1. God wanted to make known to them the glorious riches of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.


     So, Christ in us is the hope of glory.  Glory is the expression of God, the experience of the presence and power of God in us today.  The law of the Spirit can deliver that glory.

The law of the Spirit brings us the "hope of glory."  He will operate this law in us until we die.  He will never stop working against our activity with any sin and display of any un-Christ likeness.  So why do we resist His operation that will only thwart our peace and spiritual fruitfulness  http s://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+15&version=NET [John 15}.  

His operation is to set us free from the sins that bind and the self that defines us, then to fill us with Christ's life which know how to obey and what to obey.  It is this transformation that makes us into a light to the unsaved and to the Church do advance against the kingdoms of darkness.

His law in us is to expose what God sees to differentiate what is sin and what is acceptable and pleasing to God.  This law also shows us the way to remove the unacceptable with His power as we walk in an harmonious relationship with Christ Jesus.

God is not satisfied with our old life; the life we bring into the Christian life from our lost state; the way we've been living.  We are not allowed to remain the same way we were and the same wy we are.  Though Christ may have changed much in us, there is much more to accomplish.  Even those of who have walked with Christ a long time, see more today we do not like that we did not see several years ago.  So be not blind and presumptuous that you are okay with yourself.  Be in agreement that God is working in you and needs your cooperation in the things He shows you.

He sees a life full of pride, selfishness, a feeble display of character that misrepresents Him and His Kingdom.  

Never settle with your present goodness.  Even your goodness is not God's.






The Law of The Spirit works our freedom from sin and self over a lifetime.   Therefore, we must understand it is a process of time, learning, and application.  And then there is failure and condemnations from the devil on how weak and sinful we are.  But the law of the Spirit is our aid to truth about the mercy and grace of God.  Much of that is discovered with confession, turning to God in prayer.

God's aim is to see us free from the old person which originated from Adam.  This is a process.  It takes a lifetime of work.  Sins and our old ways will be under the constant operation of the Spirit until we die.  

First, the Spirit must give insight into what God seeks to change.  

Second, the Spirit must convict us to make that change our mind toward obedience to the Spirit.  

Third, the Spirit will infuse power when we surrender ourselves to the power of the Spirit to intervene and bring Christ's power to change us.  This is not a one time surrender to Christ at some church meeting or conference.  It is a work we must do upon each circumstance which challenges us to sin or act selfishly.  Our duty is to deny self and look to the work of Christ.  Then the Holy Spirit delivers freedom from that temptation to act sinfully or to act selfishly.

That law of the Spirit rules in our life.  But the Spirit cannot force us to change.  It must be our choice and action to fully yield to the truth of God given to us addressing the issue at hand.

If we resist change, we suffer on our own from our wrong choices.  Choosing to be selfish has its own consequences which kills the life of our soul and damages the bond with have with people.  Any and every bit of sin and selfishness held on to in our life holds us back from spiritual success inwardly and outwardly.

The law of the Spirit knows how to set us free.  We will never know how He does that.  But it is true that He does.  But it is an experience requiring our full surrender to Christ in the present moment--not the future.  We don't ask for freedom for tomorrow.  We ask for help in the present moment.

This is the reason for Christian failure:  We only make conscious surrenders to Christ when we are convicted or enlightened.  That is good, but also necessary to activate when facing any need of Christ in daily living.

Life experience confronts us with a variety of responses we can express in any given situation.  Temptations come.  Trials come, Conflict comes.  We, in these moments of decision, must make the choice not to follow our flesh or our reasoning, infiltrated with lies from the Enemy.  We must take up our will to embrace Truth with every part of our body, soul, and spirit.  We must act upon our helplessness and absolutely fully surrender to His power.  The Spirit is ever faithful and true to help us.  But we must meet the conditions for Him to deliver us.  

These are the law of the Spirit.  He operates this law.  But He requires us our will and dependance upon Him in delivering a great blow to sin and a beautiful transformation in attitude and expression.

Failure to operate by these laws, will detour us from the appointed work of of plowing and planting in the field of our own heart, according to the law of the Spirit.  Deviation from the work leads into territorial trespassing into something forbidden.  

Return to the field of your own heart.  Turn to the Lord.  Always look to the Lord.  Always look away from yourself.  Always look to Him as the supply of present need.



Repentance simply means turning away from sin and yourself and turning completely to Christ for help.  Repentance is a change of mind about sin and the negative atmosphere it shadows in you.  Repentance is a continual thing we do.

We do not repent of specific sins as much as we repent of our thinking.  Yes, we must change our mind about a certain sinful choice or selfish action.  But repentance begins in the mind.  We repent [change our mind] about what sin does, how it offends God, how it hurts others, and how we need divine help to turn away from it.  Change of mind means emptying our thoughts of hopelessness, doubts, pride, fears, self-condemnation, lack of will, desire to continue in sin, inability to change what we know we need to change.


Repentance demonstrates to God we are ready for the freedom we want.  It is acceptable when we exhibit the following characteristics:

  1. Brokenness-A true broken will is necessary for God to see.  We may desire to sin or to express our selfish ways, but we must not rely on desire but upon our will to say, "I can do nothing to stop sin or act like Christ" is the attitude God wants to see.  
As long as we try to face sin or to stop our unholy thought and desires we will fail every time.  Brokenness is recognition we can do nothing.  Brokenness is absolute self-distrust.  It does not trust anything or anyone but Christ to help in my moment of weakness.  
Brokenness denies self action in any manner.  Self must not be allowed to show itself.  So we agree with our spirit which knows the true way to respond.  So in our helplessness we fix our eyes upon Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our faith.  He who knew suffering, understands the pain of we suffer.  So, He is ready to run to our aid, once we cast off the self-will and yield our will and soul to Christ.  It is that kind of brokenness He responds to.

Hebrews 12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses,[a] we must get rid of every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and run with endurance the race set out for us, 

keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For[b] the joy set out for him he endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.[c] 

Think of him who endured such opposition against himself by sinners, so that you may not grow weary in your souls and give up. 

You have not yet resisted to the point of bloodshed[d] in your struggle against sin. 

And have you forgotten the exhortation addressed to you as sons?

My son, do not scorn[e] the Lord’s discipline
or give up when he corrects[f] you.
For the Lord disciplines the one he loves and chastises every son he accepts.”[g]

Endure your suffering[h] as discipline;[i 
Don't trust yourself to be better, do right, accomplish anything, succeed, or even to overcome sin in your power.  Stop trying to be a Christian.  Stop trying to live up to the expectations of everyone.  Learn to practice the lifestyle of complete trust in Christ upon every second of need.  It may be difficult to look to Christ--that's what flesh wants you to feel.  Ignore the flesh.  Look to Christ.  Endure the hardship while you gaze upon Christ and seek His help.  There you will find victory.
2. Totally yield to Jesus Christ..  Look only to Jesus.  Gazing only on Jesus.  When in weakness, once your turn your eyes upon Jesus, do not let your mind's eye wander away from Him upon the detour for sin or the expression of the old man, typical of humanity.  Choose to stay your mind on Him until He gives you the victory
3. Keep your mind of the Truth.  Christ Jesus being the Truth, speaks the truth you need in the moment.  He'll give you a word from Scripture.  So read and study the Bible.  Store God's Word in your heart.  For a time will come when the Spirit of God will retrieve a particular truth from God's heart for you to heed.
4.  Believe God.  Trust God.  Do not flounder by the atmosphere of feelings.  Don't look at your past.  Call the devil's lies for what they are.  Choose to trust.  Choose to believe.  For God never fails to help His children in moment of need.
5. Endure in the footing of faith in Christ.  Believing means enduring to stand in the Lord; to stand on His promise.  He is faithful.  He is true.  Endure with what you feel.  Stay fixed on Christ.
6.  Accept the pain while waiting.  Jesus suffered the cross.  He calls us, His disciples, to take up the concept of the cross each and every day, each and every moment of need.  The cross is the picture of suffering.  We Christians are called to suffer pain when trusting Christ.  Every impulse in our flesh cries out to give in, gratify the flesh, express how you really feel.  If you listen to the flesh, you will fail.  But we must take the way of the cross to accept the pain aimed at our pride, our way of thinking, and our sinful desires.  
It hurts to suffer for our own actions.  It hurts to suffer from a temptation in the moment.  It hurts to feel the humiliation of our flesh wanting to do things our way.  Flesh cries out to defend.  It may cry out to be heard.  It begs us to deflect criticism and lay blame to something else.  The flesh seduces your mind and passions to find pleasure.
But, be silent.  Let it die.  Choose, by the will and spirit, to accept God's way.  Then see God work.


You see, obedience is to the Spirit rather than to a law.  This may be a difficult concept to understand but it is one which must be understood.  We are not called in general to live according to the Bible with all its teachings and laws.  We are no longer under the code of living according to laws.  We live under the code of the law of the Spirit.  Though He be a law, He is patient and helpful.   The law is cold and dictatorial; demanding  and harsh.  The ways of the Spirit are pleasant and rewarding.
How many Christians live each day trying to be good, trying not to sin.  Many look for answers to stop addictions, control anger, love those not easy to love, etc.  
We are not under the law to first attempt to obey the laws.  We are obligated to look to the Spirit each and every time a choice needs to be made.  The Spirit will show us through His Word and to our conscience.  His leadership will always agree with the laws of God.
This means our lifestyle is to practice reliance on the Spirit in each issue of life.
You may protest, "does that mean I am not to obey God's laws?"
Yes we are to obey all of God's laws.  But from a different perspective.
Each day we face decisions to live like Jesus.  Jesus taught us much about good character, the sins of lust and anger, and loving others difficult to love.  The apostles also gave us many principles to engraft into our life.
It is difficult to be a Christian these days.  It is difficult to avoid sin, to hold our tongue, to act in the character of Christ our Lord.
But the Lord would have us understand that though He has given us His commands and a lifestyle that compliments Him, we cannot keep them without His life working in us.
So He requires us to take up the cross to denying ourselves to do right on our own.  He requires us look to Him, and follow what He says in our heart. What He says we must do.  What He says will never contradict His Word, the Bible.

Note the practice of Jesus.

  1. I can do nothing on my own initiative. Just as I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I do not seek my own will, but the will of the one who sent me.
So Jesus answered them, “I tell you the solemn truth, the Son can do nothing on his own initiative, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, the Son does likewise.

The Christian life is not about how we act 
but who we submit to:  ourself and our power or God.  
Learning this way will multiply your spiritual fruit and open doors of great pleasure in the Lord.
Walking in the Spirit is not about focusing on our big problem sins and hurtful personality traits such a anger.  

God is concerned about everything in us not just the biggies.  Learn to listen to the Spirit in the details in life.  Listen and obey.  There is no other way.



There is another law working in us.  It is the law of sin and death.  Though Sin and Death were defeated by Christ on the cross, its powers still remain in fragments, but still active and viable.  These powers work through our flesh.  The flesh is...
  • the same term as "the Old Man"; the Sin nature
  • it is the soul's nature tied to the environment whereby the flesh enjoys.  In other words, the flesh is the tendency to find comfort, pleasure, and ambition in the life on earth.  Some of it may be good, but some of it violates God's ways.  God's ways are better.  While the ways of the flesh tend to lead us away from God.  Money may be good, some activities may be good in themselves, but if not regulated by walking in the Spirit, lead to harm to the soul and the relationship with Christ.
  • Recognizing the flesh comes by judging ourself upon every decision:
    • it is a choice how we express ourselves as to whether it brings honor to Christ.
    • if we have to stop and think which way to walk, the is a sign the Spirit is challenging us.  If in doubt and question, look to the Spirit.  Scripture principle will be handed to you.
    • We cannot even deny the flesh in our own strength.  We cannot say no to temptation.  Yet, we cannot no more adhere to more spiritual rules.  
    • We must look to Jesus and rest in Him.  We look to Him in a state of steady gaze, with total surrender, to rescue us in our moment of need.  We can do nothing!
    • Our conscience must answer:  is this from the flesh or from the Spirit?  "Is this a strong impulse leading me away from the glory of God to make me feel better?"
    • In the moment of decision you will not want to listen to the Spirit.  It is an act of the will to look to Christ to quench the fiery darts.  It is in our helplessness, our lack of desire, our lack of want to, our weak call for Christ to help.  Christ will run to our rescue even when our desire for sin is stronger than our desire for Him.  He recognizes our frailty.  He simply wants our invitation, no matter how weak it is.  He will faithfully run to help us.
      • Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

        1. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
    • The Christian life is a process not learned and grown quickly.  The Lord knows our frailty to return to sin and self.  He must know we are sincere and want to allow the Spirit to work with us to rid us of sins and selfishness.  
    • Before we were saved we had no option or opportunity to walk in the Spirit.  Now we do.  Freedom is now ours to discover and walk in.  There is no sin and no selfish part of us that will not undergo the microscope and "knife" of the Physician's hand.  We are on the table of renewal.  Harmful things must be removed.  Life must be infused.  Spiritual antibiotics must be administered.  We must be monitored, separated from contamination, given time and attention, we will recover and made stronger to do more and better than ever before.
Genesis 4:6–7 (NASB95) 

6 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen?

7 “If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.

You must master your body, soul, and spirit.  There is no let go and let God do it.  There is a letting go because you cannot do it.  But it is our responsibility to stand fast in surrender and faith for God to do it.

We cannot idolly stand by for God to do something without responsibility and an act of the will to recognize our helplessness and need and looking and expecting Christ to help.  Then we must keep the will fixed upon Christ, the mind absent from our sin and selfish thoughts.  Fixed upon Christ opens the door for Him to enter and feed and fellowship with us in order to correct the need.

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