Romans 6:1 New King James Version (NKJV)
Dead to Sin, Alive to God
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?
Questions to think about
Can a Christian say, "I am forgiven. I am under grace, so I can live the best way I know how to live. God forgives. So I can do what I want to do. Right?"
Can a Christian continually practice sins?
Should a Christian be concerned about his attitude towards sins? Can a Christian flippantly decide how Jesus will dictate his life?
If I am serious about my sins, how do I deal with them?
These are good questions that have specific answers in these studies of Romans chapter six.
Over 30 years ago, I went through a deep study [yet less deeply than we will do now] about this chapter that revolutionized my life. It provided answers about my relationship with Christ and to sin. From that, I experienced a new freedom which has not only lasted but grown over these decades. I consider this a pivotal chapter in the growth process of the Christian life.
Next lesson, we will explore...
Next lesson, we will explore...
#1. What shall we say then..."
#2. Shall we continue in sin
#3. That grace may abound?
May I suggest memorizing and meditating on one verse of this chapter a day. Recite the verse aloud at least 7 times. Write out the verse as needed. Understand the meaning. Take notes on your thoughts about each verse. Express your thoughts and desires about the verse. Believe the promises given and look forward to the process of becoming a newer man in Christ Jesus.
It worked for me!--Rick
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