Romans 12:1 New King James Version (NKJV)
12 I beseech[a] you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your [b]reasonable service.
Romans 12:2 New King James Version (NKJV)
2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
- the term from which we get metamorphosis: it means God changing us into another form: the likeness of His Son Jesus.
- Begins at salvation
- continues on throughout our Christian life
- the speed of transformation is our choice.
- The amount of transformation is totally dependent on the rejection of conformity to this world and learning the "living sacrifice" life.
- the Bible, the Holy Spirit, learning Truth among the Body of Christ [the Church], and winning well in suffering--all are ingredients to formation into transformation
- It is God's process of making us become like Jesus by growing the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
- It gaining our cooperation to "put away" what He demands and "putting on Christ" in our experience.
- Transformation can be difficult because it requires some suffering to deny self and to take up the cross of obeying Christ.
- But the outcome is resurrection after the cross, a new man arising are eyes have never seen and "the things that God has prepared for us who love Him by obeying His Word.
- You will never experience transformation, nor experience what God has prepared for you until you learn to apply renewing your mind with His Word
Can you now look at your life and see yourself becoming more like Christ?
- how you think
- your levels of self-control
- your expression loving people
- your honesty
- your love for your local church
- how are you obeying Christ in building up the body of other believers
- how do you measure your activities?
- how do you witness for Christ?
- are you becoming purer, more of an overcomer?
- how are you spiritually growing your family?
by the renewing of your mind
- making new again
- new way of thinking
- new perspectives
- ability to make better judgments
- refusing questionable choices
- new purpose
- a freshness of newness which affirms the thoughts of God are better
- a mind which receives fresh insights from God
- new thinking that adds new character
- comes after the cleansing from sin and pride
- begins with a serious pursuit to know God in prayer and His Word
- meditating on Truth, not lies
- meditating on who God is to you in your present moment of need
- requires mind saturation with God's thoughts
Take Bible, pen and paper, suggestive tool of website as a tool for learning Bible passages.
Or, make it as simply as you want. Wait on God. Ask His plan to study and grow in His Word. I assure you, He will.
Or, make it as simply as you want. Wait on God. Ask His plan to study and grow in His Word. I assure you, He will.
to prove the will of God
Here is what other commentators have to say about proving the will of God
Wuest: by the renewing of your mind, resulting in your putting to the test what is the will of God, the good and well-pleasing and complete will
Denney notes that the purpose of the transforming renewal of our mind "is that Christians may prove, i.e., discern in their experience, what the will of God is.
Only a renewed mind can become a transformed mind that has the unique abilities of wise decision making which adds fruitfulness to the believer's life.
Stauffer - The mind renewed by God will be better suited to discern God’s will because distractions are removed that would hinder such discernment.
Growing a transformed mind sees better choices and does so. After time, his reputation has been raised to be seen as a Godly man or woman.
What legacy will you leave behind for your family, work, and church? It cannot happen without the practice of Romans 12:1, 2
Consider this incredible life commitment journey! You will never know what God can do in you and through you until you grow, add to, increase the depth of your meditating on God's Word through studious thought and application. --Rick
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