Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Part 1 Romans 6:7

Romans 6:7 New King James Version (NKJV)

For he who has died has been [a]freed from sin.

A person who dies, is separated from this world.  All human senses to this world are cut off.
As born again ones, our death, in Christ on the cross, separated us, not from this physical world, but separated from the power of this world--unless we choose to surrender ourselves back to it.
That is why as Christians we lose the desire for the world.   Again, though Christians do become deceived by the seductions of it, the real "new man" in Christ has no love for this world.  He has died to thirsting for it.  His primary hunger is for more of Christ.  That hunger for Christ may be reduced if the soul is fed with the corn husks of worldly things, satisfying only the base/animal desires,  An abnormal Christian may hunger for the sweet pleasures of sin, but his spirit deep within him, abhors it.  
God allows him to wallow in sin until his soul gets tired of it and his spirit misses the personal abiding in Christ.  Spiritual dryness can quicken the longer we remain in sin.  Spiritual fruit dries up:  self-control, joy, love, kindness, gentleness, patience, etc.  Others may see it before he does.   But he feels the difference that his spiritual senses cannot hear the voice of His Shepherd, nor see the Light of the Way.  
The normality, when we are right with God, is that we detest the worldly voices, worldly seductions, worldly everything.  We see it as trash because we have been freed from it and now enjoy higher pleasures that has no comparison to anything in this world.  That is why the carnal man cannot understand it.  He is blind.
When a Christian enjoys sin, he will immediately hate it, feel miserable, struck by guilt, alienated from the peace and joy of God.  But when he humble acknowledges his sin and determines to turn from it and sets himself in the right way, he immediately finds peace and restoration to the fruit he lost to his act of sin.
No matter how often the believer is seduced back to sin, he cannot remain without misery.  God will not let him enjoy crossing back into the old ways.

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