Saturday, August 1, 2020

Let's Be Honest-Transparent Prayer: The Feeling of Not Wanting to Pray and Study God's Word

Today is an example of the title.  It doesn't happen often.  I got up this morning with plenty of time, but I just didn't want to study.  I do want to meet with God, but somehow Bible study and prayer doesn't hit my fun list.  It usually does.  But not today.

I admit I haven't felt well:  allergies, tiredness from work, and some small challenges in my life.

We all have these moments.

As you see from right now, I feel I ought to write about this topic to help you when you go through these moments.

It is "ministerial" to tell you what you MUST do.  "You must do it anyway!"  I cannot disagree.  But ministers face the same things you and I do.

So, let's get honest.  

If you know me, I'm pretty transparent.  What you see is pretty much who I am inside.  And I my deepest desires are to pursue Christ and Him alone, turn my mind and attitude to agree with His, do what He says, and share my experiences with others.  That's me.  No superiority.  No better than any of you.  Just Rick in the process of change.  I too am embarrassed by weaknesses, sometimes sins, feelings, the tone of voice, the timing of things I say and ways I say it--all show me how much more God has to work on me.

Today, let me talk to you about wanting to pray and do Bible study.

  1. It is necessary to always come to Christ, in prayer, even when we feel lazy, uninterested, shameful, etc.
  2. We need not expect ourselves to pray as usual or study the Bible in the same way we do on our good days.
  3. The Lord always wants us to come in our honesty, not in a mask of idealism.  He knows we aren't always "on top of our game" with Him.
  4. It's necessary to do come to Him, with no other purpose but to tell Him what we feel.
  5. Bring to Light if you are feeling just lazy.  Tell Him about it and possibly why.  But also tell Him that you do not want to be that way.  Tell Him what the spirit of your heart desires, in spite of what your lazy self feels.
  6. Ask His help.  This sounds simple.  But look to your Father.  Trust who He is.  Believe His promise.  Ask His help with this.
  7. Once you do, your desire may stay the same or it may change and you may decide to continue on in prayer or some sort of feeding off God's Word.  Let the Holy Spirit guide you in this.
This doesn't sound deep, but it works for me every time.

So, let's get honest. 

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