Sunday, August 30, 2020

Romans 8:6. What Is a Carnal Mind?

For to be carnally minded is death; 

but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Amplified Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever]. (Amplified Bible - Lockman)

Barclay: To be absorbed in worldly human things is death; but to be absorbed in the things of the Spirit is life and peace (Westminster Press)

KJV: For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

NLT: If your sinful nature controls your mind, there is death. But if the Holy Spirit controls your mind, there is life and peace. (NLT - Tyndale House)



this word leads us to understand an emphasis that the carnal mind and spiritual mind cannot coexist for spiritual maturity.  To follow a carnal mind brings absolute corruption to your thinking and to your emotions.  It weakens your willpower, thus causing you to make poor and dangerous decisions.  

But to think on spiritual truths about the Godhead:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit always leads to divine life-infusion into the soul, energizing and growing fruit of the Spirit.  The more we set our mind [deliberate decision to do so] on the things the Spirit puts into our minds, the better we think, feel, desire, love, and express with our body.

    Our new spirit, birthed to us at salvation being like God's, always thirsts after its own likeness.  Our spirit thirsts for   more of God.  

  1. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God; When shall I come and appear before God?

  2. O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, In a dry and weary land where there is no water. 

 Isaiah 55:1

  1. “Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk Without money and without cost.

A century or more ago, real praying saints with remarkable spiritual presence and effectiveness in prayer were known to pray for very long periods of time each day.

We've lost that because "we are too busy".  We'd rather world involvement than God involvement.  It's true.  Let's admit it.  That is our struggle.

But never complain about your spiritual condition and why your prayers go unanswered.

Length of prayer is not the issue.  Length in the direct presence of God affects everything in us.  It isn't our words or our points.  Real prayer is relaxed in the presence of God, praying out the entire soul and opening up to the entire presence of God.

Choose your life.  Which do you want?  Defeat or power, unbearable temptations or learning the ways of overcoming, sensing truth and right or confused and going wrong?

Life and defeat mark who we are.  A life of constant inward defeat is a sign of carnal thinking.  A life mostly of the peace of God and how to walk in it comes by learning to think on God's matters.


Thirst for God until your eyeballs bulge out.  Pursue God until you feel the refreshment.  Drink until your soul is satisfied with God and nothing else.

If we do not thirst for  God, there is either  the presence of sin or the absence of true salvation.


Carnally minded [KJV] -  is that pattern of mindset influenced by our sin nature working on us to self-gratify in a way God opposes which corrupts us and our works.  It is a mind absorbed with things the Holy Spirit resists.  This is why we feel struggles; the Holy Spirit is resisting us.

It could be worry, thinking of what might be, thinking on things which distress and rob our peace, which dirty our mind, or which elevates my pride.


death - meaning "no life, separation from reality, living in a state aloneness, fears, doubts, anxieties, etc."  There is no strength, wisdom, answers, hope, faith, peace, self-control, kindness, etc.  

Death [separation] leaves the soul alone to worry, fear, left without power to overcome lusts.  

The result is self-defensiveness, negativity, unbelief, despair, inability to see truth, inability to understand, overwhelmed. angered, embittered, resentment, critical.

Paul is referring that this is the ruling mind of the unsaved but that Christians can revert to this pattern at times and for seasons; but never characterized as the constant way of thinking.  

The mind of the lost are continually earthly and supply no spiritual life.  

Their eyes are blind. They cannot see what others attempt to correct or persuade them on.  Blind eyes cannot see, nor expected to see, except if there is a desire for God to show them.  And they actively pursue God for Truth.

What they can see is immediate decisions to enhance earthly gain, having no thought to the true priority of maturing the soul with Truth.  The lost man lacks Truth.  He is his own god.  He determines his now belief system.  He believes that what he true, is anything that fits his gratification lifestyle.  

His is the motto:  "If it feels good do it"! 

The lost man is a walking dead creature only seeking to eat what it wants; no restraint, no moral compass, empty of character, separated from knowing God.  He lives in his own world of made- up rules that fit him.  He opposes any rules which restrict, deny, "his" beliefs to opposed and resisted.  He has a rationalization for what he believes.  He is his own lawmaker and judge.  Objective truth is ridiculed and scorned.

Moreover, these are the words carnal souls say:

  • "we are right,  because this is what we believe." 
  • "I have to take care of me.  I don't care what others believe."
  • "I don't believe in God or the Bible.  It's all a fairy tale, because that is what I believe."
  • "Sex before marriage and homosexuality is not a sin as Christians believe."  "If we do, we're forgiven.  We're under grace."
  • "Divorce is good when a people fall out of love."
  • "If you love someone, go for it."
  • "Everybody's doing it, so I can do it.
  • "it's right if you don't get caught."

Carnal persons do not walk by a universal-historical moral compass.  Today, the compass is "deleted."  Now, a new compass has replaced the old one:  the old one was universal and the same in all men.  The new one is solely personal and subjective.  The old can be found in most civilizations because God authored it.  The new is prevalent because men have discarded God and invented the god of his own imagination.

Today it is also ever-changing.  

What was wrong for me yesterday is right for me today.  Divorce, premarital sex, cheating was always wrong in past years.  Today we call it normal.

What was right and moral years ago is now wrong and immoral.  For example, once dating and abstaining from sex that was once practiced as right and moral is now laughed at and called wrong and sex is now right.

It used to be caring for an unborn till birth and welcomed into a loving family is now wrong.  Abortion is now right.

It was once right to applaud law enforcement, not it is wrong.
It was once right to honor all in authority, now it is wrong.
It was once right to debate in a civil manner, now it is rejected.
It was once right to pray in schools, now it is against the law.
Once it was right and good to pass out Bibles in schools and for kids to have Bible studies there.  Now it is wrong.  Yet blindly those of the new "right" wonder why the escalation of violence and rebellion in our schools.

Where is the proof carnal thinking leads our nation to greatness and civility?  Where is the proof the new thinking is bringing us together?  It's moving us apart.

The only answer today, even for Christians,  is to change our thinking.  the Bible calls that repentance.  We must admit our pride has led us wrong.  We must search the scriptures to learn God's ways and turn to them.

I'm afraid we will never return to God.  But Christians must search the scriptures deeply to not only learn God's ways but become transformed by the power of His Word.

We Live in a Dominant "Me" Culture

We live in the moment.  We fail to calculate the consequences of our choices.  From our small perspective we think only for the moment of gratification.  We want the end result to be sensually gratifying.  So we break any and every rule of compass to achieve that end.

However, though the end justifies the means, obscures our vision to clearly see that the end goes farther than the goal of sensual gratification.  The end of all sinful choices leads to death to the soul, death in our relationships, death in our workplace, death in our society and government.  

There is no way to break God's laws and expect a good result.  Sin always leads to death.  Sin always corrupts.  Sin always divides.

Our nation is a clear picture of where we are as a nation before God.  Politics may remove God's name as much as they desire but they can never remove God.

God may move from us, but His judgements will respond.  Choose this day whom you will serve.  To our day, be it known that judgement begins with the people of God then proceeds to the nation.  Perhaps the moral departure of the nation is due to the departure of God's people from His Word.

Though there be much of the Bible, there is a famine of the Spirit of the Word penetrating hearts with conviction and power to please God.

The Need For the Mind Set On The Spirit


When a soul desires God, he then investigates what God is saying.  "What is God saying to me?"  In the beginning we are not so interested in what God is saying to others.  We are hungry for what God is saying about my life and how to deal with the challenges I face each and every day.  What can God say about my struggles with temptations, with suffering, with how to deal with those around me?  How can God change me?  How can God help me with very difficult situations I face?

Folks, it's helpful to listen to Bible teachers and preachers.  It's best to listen to God directly.  Why get second hand info when you can get it first hand.  God knows your state.  He knows what's happening and He has your answers.

I may not know those particular answers.  I can give you Bible verses.  But God can cut to the point and give you what you need.

But you are going to have to pay a price.  You are going to have to take up the cross of self-denial in order to hear and experience God.

What will it cost you?  Your time, your heart, you willingness to hear His Word, and your focus on studying the depths of scripture enlightened by the Holy Spirit.  This is the secret to the abundant Christian life.

I am not saying your problems will be solved.  I am not saying if you do this your circumstances will turn out the way you want.

I am saying, God will change your thinking and your inner conflicts.  He will transform the soul, bring you into a spirit of peace, hope, faith, love, and the way to handle what you struggle with.


The mind set on the Spirit is by choice.  It is chosen for a lifestyle.  It is a passion that will not let go.  It cannot be quenched.  It cannot be stopped.

It may  pursuit of Truth, the willingness to be corrected and conformed to Truth.

The mind set on the Spirit is desiring the life of God in order to know and become like Him.  This is the meaning of new birth.  The repentant man/woman realizes the insufficiency of the present human condition.  He/she has become convinced of the better Way; Jesus Christ has his total answer for all things.

He bends his life, turns his life, changes his own mind -- all toward the pursuit of God, through the Truth of Jesus Christ being the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

He turns his life toward that pursuit in order to have experience for change that fulfills him and pleases God.  

Once the turn toward God is made, the new birth happens.  Supernatural experience from God happens inside the soul.  His eyes are opened, his heart made new, a new spirit given to know and receive God's Spirit of helps in times of need.

He then sees things from God's [Truth's] perspective.  He sees himself as more corrupt than he once thought.  He abhors his ways and pursues a course of life to know Jesus Christ.  He reads the Bible.  He learns to pray.  He wants to obey and learns how to walk with God in a pleasing manner.


Friday, August 28, 2020

Romans 8:5 Part 4. Victory Over the Flesh is About Settiing Our Mind on the God's Truth

Romans 8:5

 For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh,

This verse identifies any person who thinks this way:  whether saved or lost.

set their mind - meaning that this is a choice they live by.  All unregenerate souls have a chosen mindset that views sin and self as preference and objective.  To them, God is viewed in terms of their belief system which only puts Him outside their self-serving purposes.  God is a belief system not a relationship.
    • it is the way they constantly think:  self first, God considered, filtered, and rejected.
    • Jesus makes this clear when speaking to Peter, "Matthew 16:23 But He turned and said to Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's."
    • Philippians 2:2 make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.
    • Philippians 3:19 whose end is destruction, whose god is their appetite, and whose glory is in their shame, who set their minds on earthly things.
    • Colossians 3:2-note Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth
    • Philippians 2:5- Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,

KJV Bible Commentary writes that phroneo "means to have something as the habit of your thought; something in which you place a total interest. Those who place their total interest in the things of the flesh cannot have their interest in the things of God. (KJV Bible Commentary)
    • You order your life by what you like.  Unregenerated souls like the things of this world which interests them.  The regenerated man, however, has tasted things from above and is like an opened conduit, wanting as much as he can in knowing and experiencing God.
    • We, the regenerated ones, desire to set our minds upon our Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; desiring more of them, the life they offer, the likeness they have designed for us.
    • The unregenerated ones are, what Paul calls, "the natural man."  The things of God appear to be foolish to him:  Christians, church, attempting to live a Christian life which sometimes displays hypocrisy, high moral standards, filtered activities, etc.  

1 Corinthians 2:13-15 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

13 We don’t speak about these things using teachings that are based on intellectual arguments like people do. Instead, we use the Spirit’s teachings. We explain spiritual things to those who have the Spirit.[a]
14 A person who isn’t spiritual doesn’t accept the teachings of God’s Spirit. He thinks they’re nonsense. He can’t understand them because a person must be spiritual to evaluate them. 15 Spiritual people evaluate everything but are subject to no one’s evaluation. 



  • All Christians act fleshly.  We must never insulate ourselves with the thought that we do not act fleshly at times.  The best of Christians get into the flesh just as the weakest.  The difference may be that the best of Christians recognize and use the power of Christ to deny the works of the flesh.  But ALL of us are still learning, still vulnerable, and still weak at moments to give way to the flesh.  This is not to excuse, but to admit who we are.  This earthly "thorn in the flesh" is something we must learn to deal with by way of the Scriptures and cooperation with the Spirit of God.  Every Christian acts fleshly at some point.  Some live it more consistently than they should.  And we all should be careful how we judge other believers who act that way.  It is one thing to condemn actions as fleshly.  It is another to harshly criticize another brother/sister who acts that way.
  • We still live in a body of sin.  It carries a poison for us to drink.  This body of sin has lost the power to dominate us.  Christ remedied that on the cross.  But it is left within us to deal with, by the wisdom and power of God.  We will always do what we don't want to do and not do what we know we should do [Romans 7:17]
  • But it is by choice.  the Bible tells us to buffet our body (1 Cor. 9:27).  We are left with a dethroned kingdom of Flesh-Rule.  But it is still a rogue enemy re-banding forces to retake the throne of our life.  It is our choice to take up the weapons and tools of the Spirit to combat the enemies.  
  • The Christian life is not easy life of living in the "modern-grace-concept" of just waiting on God to help or forgive us without the extraordinary use of our will to comply with the Spirit.
  • Responsibility.  We must act.  We must labor the field of our heart.  We must not attempt to deal with the flesh ourselves.  We will fail.  But when we yield to the Lord we can win.  But if we lose, there is mercy and wisdom.  Wisdom, being that if we give in to the flesh, it will sow consequences of conflict within and without the soul.  Flesh pays destruction for choosing it.  There is no easy benefit for choosing flesh.  But we can receive mercy.  Though we receive forgiveness it takes a good bit of time to rebound spiritually to the faith level we had, the feelings, the confidence we had, etc--all take time to recover what sin has done.
  • Galatians 5:24 tells us to allow the Spirit to carry out its death sentence, legally pronounced by Christ's finished work on the cross.  Sin was dealt with.  Flesh was dethroned.  Temptation was arrested.  But the enforcement and "hand-cuffed" and "de-powered" operation takes place when we yield to the Spirit.
  • It is not to be an excuse to live in it.  It must be hated, seen as an enemy of growth, and denied by the will
  • It's ways must be understood.  Many Christians do not even know that how they think and act is "in the flesh."  But others see it.  And it most definitely negatively affects every relationship and work for Christ.
    • All he thinks and talks about are the matters of this world.  He feels uncomfortable talking about matters of God.   To the Christian, flesh is that bent in us to return to sin and self.  Practicing ordering our walk by the Spirit is the way we must walk.
    • he cannot help but giving away, surrendering of our flesh to the demands of Sin
    • The aim of the flesh is to break the will from obeying Christ



1.  By an abandonment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ
  • disavowal, stepping down
  • abandon, renunciation, resignation, surrender, retirement 
  • only a pure-hearted disciple of Christ will be able to recognize "flesh."  Carnal living Christians, willfully holding to self-ideas contrary to God, are covered with a veil of blinding vision of truth with an image of glorified opinion.
2.  The Illumination of Scripture.  Our eyes are opened to truths of Scripture
3.  The Inspiration From the Holy Spirit.  We are. inspired of its Truth and how to apply it.
  • The Spirit's work to bring God's thought on a matter to the spirit [spiritual mind and heart of the believer, his conscience, and the Spirit's leading]
  • As a disciple of Christ we walk with Christ, our spirit is made aware which of his thoughts and feelings are wrong or right.  Scripture comes to mind revealing what is right and what is flesh.
  • It is now up to the disciple to decide which he will follow. 
  • Yes, it is difficult to say no to the feelings of flesh.  But taking up the cross is the only way to kill the temptation.  The way of the cross is painful.  How?  Because flesh cries out for satisfaction.  It yells loudly for its own way.  But the spirit within us is not loud.  It need not be.  It is quite and gentle, but strong and effective.  If we listen to the spirit, suffer the denial of the flesh, the work of the cross will kill the demands of the flesh.  Then the Spirit will win and the soul will flourish with fruit of the Spirit and rich effects to the personality.
  • This is the path to growth, display of maturity, added strength to correct decision making, added wisdom in decision making.


 but those who are according to the Spirit, [follow] the things of the Spirit.

    • We, the new creature, order our walk in harmony with the Spirit.  We desire that.  We want to please God.   We want and make every attempt to live a good Christian life.  therefore, we think on spiritual matters, for what pleases Christ.
    • Though we desire to do this, it is a difficult long-term practice to set our minds on the things of the Spirit of God.  But practice this and your life will become extraordinarily fruitful with God's thoughts enriching your soul, behavior, and performance in life.
    • It is true, from personal experience,  any time I consciously and quietly look to the Spirit of God for help, the flesh always becomes subdued.

Ray Stedman writes that "FLESH is openly arrogant, overbearing, boastful, lustful, cynical, proud. We have it described in Ephesians 5. But when it is driven by the Spirit into a corner it can assume a garb of righteousness and become pious, religious, scrupulous about morals, zealous in church work, indignant over wrongs, provokingly evangelical!...The righteousness of the FLESH is always counterfeit righteousness. It is centered in self, and therefore it is always self-righteousness....The FLESH can memorize Scripture. The FLESH can teach Sunday school. The FLESH can distribute tracts, give large gifts of money, give a stirring testimony, teach a Bible class, sing solos, or preach a sermon. It can even apologize (after a fashion), and repent (to some extent), or suffer (with a martyred air), but there is one thing that FLESH will never do. It will do anything to survive, but one thing: It will never give in.  It will never surrender, it will never change, it will never give up, never! It is a slippery, elusive thing; and, when we back it into a corner, it simply takes on a different disguise and appears in a different form, but it is the same old, deadly, evil FLESH. When driven into a corner it would rather wreck your life than give in. Have you found this to be true?" (The Price of Survival; see also The Death of the Flesh).

  • We must always remember that the flesh is always present in us looking for opportunity to express itself through us.  Someone said flesh is like a volcano ready to erupt and destroy the surroundings nearby.
  • Be watchful, you are capable of about anything.  Take heed to watch yourself, lest you fall.


     Truth sets us free.  Jesus Christ is Truth.  He is the Way.  He is the Life.  He is the Word.  He is all of these things together.  So when we learn to practice submission, helplessness, and drinking of the Spirit of God we become infused with these particular gifts of grace to the soul.  But these gifts are particularly spiritual knowledge about what Christ has said to us from the Bible.  Insights and principles are buried in the Bible to be dug up and claimed.  The Holy Spirit delivers them to us in time of need when we look to Him.



1 Cor. 3:3 And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.

And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.

For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?

1 Corinthians 9:11.      If we have sown unto you spiritual things,                                     is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?


What dos carnal mean?
  • It means one tied to the earth with his body, having no connection with the Spirit of God.  A carnal Christian is one who practices the Christian life, self-attempting to adopt and practices principles and morals consistent with the Bible without experiential reliance upon the Holy Spirit
  • He is a knowledge seeker and independent religious "body-builder."
  • Just as a child, there is a lack of vision to see "mature" things.  He sees only himself, what he thinks, what he wants, an insensitivity to God and others, an unwillingness to admit and deny himself.
  • Pride is his god.  Deception has convinced him to advance in religion which appeals to his own taste and security.  He picks and chooses what to believe to fit his own self-building religious belief system.  
  •  Conversely, he is: unwilling to forsake a spirit of pride, accept possible pain to his proud actions, unwilling to admit wrong, unwilling to suffer denial and hurt in order to love others.  Self-first as primary.  Religion is second as long as religion conforms, through rationalization,  to what he wants to believe.  An unwillingness to be wrong.  An unwillingness to surrender all and to live all in surrender and obedience to Christ.  He says he will in his talk, but denies it in his walk.
  • This term is the same as acting in the "flesh."
  • We all act carnally at times.  Not only are we Christians, we are still humans, vulnerable to the deceptions of the Sin nature, the Old Man, the flesh remnants of what once ruled us pre-salvation.
  • However, the Holy Spirit living inside us intends to reveal what is carnal/fleshly and to move us away from this activity.  He abides in our spirit, works in our conscience, reveals from Scripture. Resisting the Holy Spirit [called grieving, quenching] dismantles the authority and work of the Spirit and is replaced by a spirit of pride to promote the self-life.
  • Christians, though all act carnally at times, cause extreme dangerous consequences:  to the mind, the feelings, our spiritual desires, our self-confidence, our faith, hope for change, lack of account of spiritual fruit, questioning our true spirituality in the presence of our others, damaging the reputation of what Christians stand for, destroying eternal rewards, damaging relationships, making Christian disciplines boring and unproductive, etc.
  • Carnality may be occasional or it can be more typical of a Christian.  Christians who display a constant temperament of the following may be in a carnal state.  Warning:  if there is not conviction, salvation may be in question:
    • giving to practice lust and its gratifications; sexual sins, including immodest dress that guides the eyes and sexual desires of others to the body and no attempt to attract others to their spirit of a Christ-ruled life. 
    • anger, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness
    • pleasure seeking that offends the glory of God
    • fear of admitting wrong 
    • divisive, critical spirit of others, unwilling to pray for others, gossip
    • rallying others to empathize with personal pain by putting down the reputation of another
    • the "Me" centered life.  Whatever is done or said is about "me."  Watch your words.  Do you listen to others completely?  Do you control your tongue when needed?  Do you want others to hear your pain?  
    • in the church setting:  carnal Christians hands each other in the "flesh" not the "Spirit."  Discontent and division push the body of believes from each other and from objective prayer and the search from the Scriptures.  They walk by feeling.  They do not bear each others' weaknesses.  They refuse to accept responsibility to handle conflict in the New Testament manner.  They spread information to destroy a person [many times, a pastor], or a group in the church.  Most all church division is carnal.  Most disgusts our Lord and blemishes His reputation and weakens His cause.  Be not ever guilty of joining a church faction against anyone.  Search the Scripture.  Examine your heart.  Remain guarded.
  • But he seeks knowledge about...but does not rely on the Spirit. 

Inside us is the spiritual man.  He was created in us by Christ Jesus for the dwelling place of the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  It is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  It is the place whereby all plans are brought to action to conform our soul and our body into the image of God.  When we accepted Christ, we accepted His purpose of transforming us.  We have His Spirit.  He's given us His Word to learn and become shaped and changed.  We have a will to choose.  There is great fruit when we submit to His guidance.  There are chastisements when we choose to be carnal.

God's aim is to move us away from carnal things and to become children of Light in a world of darkness.  He intends to plow up our barren soul of destructive unsightly weeds and willful obstructions of stone.  He aims to turn our ground into a fertile field of producing a land of "Promised Land" type fruit.
Our aim is first not to do good works and win souls.  Our primary on the sou as well as being a light to the lost and a passion to win them to Christ.
He aims to break us of our practice of sins and selfishness.  He wants us to become filled with the seeds of His Word, planting them deep within our soul.  Upon planting we will find stones, thorns, and hardened ground.  When revealed by the Holy Spirit, we must see them with contrition and godly sorrow, then turn to Christ in full abandonment from ourselves and its sins to surrender to the person and will of Christ.

The spiritual man guides us.  The Holy Spirit steering him by way of conscience and the Scripture brings us to decisions that are not easy.  Each issue, circumstance, event, challenge, decision we face has a message from the Spirit.  That message comes from Scripture to address the moment.  These messages must be made.  They address our will while our emotions of flesh resist.   

That choice in the road of decision is obedience or giving in to the flesh.  Feelings will be strong to resist the Spirit.  The Spirit is not forceful or loud.  He is quite, gentle, and yet powerful.  He will not overpower our fleshly feelings without His way of protocol.


What is that protocol?  It is:
  •  1st realizing God expects us to do nothing in our power to do right and to deny evil.  This is the motto we must live by:  I can do nothing of my own.
  •  2nd we must surrender the entire experience over to Christ.
    • the situation, our feelings about the situation [good and bad; the desire to please flesh, and the desire to please Christ], what we truly love, what we really want Christ to do, and the complete yield of ourselves to Christ relying on His help to intervene.
  • 3rd we must believe, with spiritual desire dictated by the Holy Spirit, for Christ to intervene upon our flesh and soul, to overcome every opposition to Christ's will.  We must look to Christ, yield to Christ, surrender to Christ, expect and trust Christ.  Our eyes must remain fixed upon Him, not our flesh and its messages.  
  • 4th, part of believing is waiting and abiding in the Spirit of Christ.  
Romans 8: 13 for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body [note:  the emphasis is on our choice of responsibilly; if we fulfill resisting the flesh we are endowed with more spiritual power than we thought or feel.  We will be infused with that power after we follow these steps], you will live.

14 For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

Philippians 2:13 (NLT) 

13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. 
  • This is a crucial time.  It is doing our part of exercising our will against the flesh.  During our fight with evil tendencies, we must look to Christ and remain fixed on Christ, knowing we can do nothing.  It is complete leaning on the Person of Christ to deliver and rid the evil plaguing our soul.  Waiting must be fixed until freedom is complete.

From my own experience [others may differ] but freedom and the deliverance into the peace of God comes after a short time of minutes; I'd say about 5-8 minutes.  I hate to fix a time. But this is normally the average time for me.

  • We can expect results.  When practiced, this protocol [covenant, agreement] brings victory and growth.  We will experience not only silence to the flesh but filling with the Spirit of God. You will feel all of the fruit of the Spirit, not just one or a few.  The peace of God will overshadow you.  The internal conflict will go away.  Whenever I have practiced this, I have always had victory and growth.  I must admit that I have failed to practice it and committed to dismantling "carnality."
 Becoming the spiritual person does not mean entering into a stage of never going backward or giving into the flesh, acting in a carnal way.  We must be aware of the devil's devices.  We should never assume we have completely overcome any sin or behavior.  Positionally, legally, in Christ there answers to overcoming any sin and becoming like Christ.  They have  been poured into us.  To experience the victories and the transformations we must practice "the protocols" of scripture.  As we learn what to "put away" and what to "put on" in Christ, we must exercise faith.  Faith is leaving the experience in question to surrendering to the condition promised by Christ.  Faith is abandonment from what Christ forbids.  Faith yields to the Person of Christ more than just the law of Christ.  Faith believes Christ emanates His law [agreement from Scripture] what we are to do.  
Faith admits we can do nothing.  Faith surrenders each and every detail of opposition to Christ.  Faith lays them down to Christ.  Faith says, "I can do nothing, helps me Lord."  Faith then waits.  Faith ignores images of carnality.  Faith looks only to Christ.  Faith trusts Christ for help.  Faith brings what we ask for.

Much of today's teaching on prayer is in error about praying for something.  We are led to believe that ask and believe is solely associated with asking for temporal help;  health, relationships, material things, ease of social pains, successes, etc.

When Christ explains prayer, in the Gospels, it has little to nothing to do with the temperal.  Never did Jesus pray for things or for people to treat Him right.  He prayed for His Father's will.  Furthermore, He laid aside His wants for the Father's will to play out.  He knew His human body was frail, so He yielded it to God, trusted Himself to the Father.  The result:  the Father sent angels to Him to minister to Him.

The "asking and believe" rule we love to live by must be understood from the basis of John 15.  This phrase must be understood from the reference of bearing fruit.  We all want to bear inward spiritual fruit.  Nowhere does the Bible teach about material fruit; though, when we produce inward fruit, God is fixed to make outward things to abound within the plan of His will.

Prayer is asking for the life of Jesus to flow in our total being. 

Fruit-bearing is our work.  We must plant the Seed, water our hearts with the Spirit on a continual need basis, but God gives the increase.  We plant, we water, God makes grow and gives the increase.  When faced with need, the crop seems to be failing while the weeds seem to be growing, we show those weeds to Christ, ask Him to help us remove them, then ask for His life to grow righteousness in our ground of heart.

Practically, we do our part, God does the rest.  When facing a spiritual problem which affects our spiritual field of growth, we must immediately and consciously judge ourselves helpless to know what to do and helpless to do anything our own.  We do not know the Spirit's way nor how to implement Him.  

 So, we turn ourselves away from the temptation and look to Christ.  Turning to Christ is called repentance.  Repentance is a constant action in the Christian life. We repent before we sin as well as after we sin.  Repentance if looking away from ourselves to Jesus alone to help us.  Then we fix our soul down into Him until He answers.

This is asking and believing and receiving that which we desire.  The desire is for fruit.  The desire is for eliminating the obstacle to our union of peace with God. 
  1. Involves oneness.  We have to be in agreement with the Spirit.  We have to agree what is right and wrong from His perspective.  We have to them listen and desire to follow His voice.
  2. A desire to please the Spirit means a concentration of what He's saying.  We obey Him because we love Him, says Jesus.
  3. There is much conscious care to guard and feed the soul with good things, good spiritual food.
  4. There must be evidences of obeying the Spirit.  There must be advancement.  
  5. If the Spirit speaks and there is more resistance to His leadings, then something is major wrong and could seriously question the fact of salvation.  To continually choose the world's ways which oppose God's is exposed to similar judgements and dangerous results as the lost person.  
  6. Chastisement is about God judging our sins as a consequence, not as a sentence to hell.  In Christ we no longer live under the sentence of wrath.  Rather we live under the relationship of chastisement as children.  We can never lose our legal relationship with God.  But we can suffer many losses of the soul and its desired outcomes.  Failure is the sure result of sin.  Life and fruitfulness are sure results of choosing the ways of the Spirit.  Follow the Spirit, experience knowing the presence of God and His rich positive dealings, know great peace, great joy. and great love for God and others.  Hence you will do more good, accomplish more in your labors, and more restraint with opinions and more good love to others.