Wednesday, January 29, 2020

#003 Analyze and Judge Your Highest Longings

Our thoughts are like streams flowing from the mountains of desire which catch the elements of exposure.

We can and cannot help the thoughts which flow through our mind each day.  But we can manage them.  We can analyze them as healthy or not, glorifying God or not.

The Lord wants us to bring our thoughts under His government, as a citizen of His Kingdom.

So, let me ask, "what are your longings?  Which occupy you the most and the highest? Do any longings rise higher than those you have for God and His values?"

1Peter 2:2  Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation—

The Lord expects us to live as simple children; still immature, unable, needing help, looking to Him, etc.  Only those who see themselves as children can be helped by Father. If we do not act childlike, Father cannot help us.

Infants are absolutely unable to do anything but depend upon the parent to feed them.  They know not what milk is and the benefits of it, but they know they thirst and they simple look to smell and taste of the milk for it is to them, good and filling.

We know little the benefits and understanding of God's Word which is called milk of the Word.  But all we have to do is drink and enjoy the Milk.  For by a steady drinking, which is often to the infant, we grow, our abilities mature, slowly we become more of the human God designed us to become.

Without a steady eating we develop stunted growth and a poor immune system.

Your main longing--and one which must become strong--is to long for the true spiritual milk of God's Word.

How you feed yourself spiritually proportionately determines growth to learn wisdom, understand the deep things of God that few grasp, the abilities to overcome temptation, eliminate sins, make good choices, know how to love others properly, etc.

Make it your primary goal in preparation of meeting and being rewarded by the Lord for a life "well done." by filling your life--your mind, your desires, your character with the life-giving milk of the Word.


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